


工学博士,hg8868皇冠官方副教授、院长助理、信息与通信工程系主任,中国自动化学会高级会员、建筑机器人专业委员会委员、混合智能专业委员会委员,陕西省自动化学会智能机器人专业委员会委员,IEEE会员。2004年西安交通大学获得信息工程专业学士学位,2012年西安交通大学获得控制科学与工程专业博士学位,2013年起任hg8868皇冠官方讲师、副教授、硕士生导师,2015年7月至2016年8月于美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(UNC-CH)图像显示增强与分析实验室(IDEA LAB)公派访学。

主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等)、陕西省重点研发计划项目、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目各1项,参与国家863项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目等科研项目,主持教育部产学合作协同育人项目2项。在《Pattern Recognition》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》、《Multimedia Tools and Applications》、《International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》、《西安交通大学学报》和《机器人》等学术期刊和国际会议上发表学术论文60余篇。





[1] Tang HY, Zhu JH, Wang L, Zheng QH, Zhang TW. Multi-level query interaction for temporal language grounding[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, available online.

[2] Zhu X, Liu X, Wang L*(通信作者), Guo ZP, Wang J, Wang RZ, Sun YF. Temporal-spatial feature compensation combines with multi-feature discriminators for video super-resolution perceptual quality improvement[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2021, 30(5): 053005.

[3] Guo R, Chen JQ, Wang L. Hierarchical K-means clustering for registration of multi-view point sets[J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2021, 94: Article 107321.

[4] 汪霖,郭佳琛,张璞,万腾,刘成,杜少毅.基于改进ICP算法的三维点云刚体配准方法[J].hg8868皇冠官方学报(自然科学版),202151(2)183-190

[5] Li YY, Zhang JC, Niu JP, Zhou Y, Wang L. Computational implementation and asymptotic statistical performance analysis of range frequency autocorrelation function for radar high-speed target detection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2020, 6: 1297-1308.

[6] 汪霖,曹建福.机器人三维视觉技术及其在智能制造中的应用[J].自动化博览,2020,37(2):64-70.

[7] Liang YS, Ren ZG, He M, Wang L, Cao JF, Chen A, Pang B. An efficient estimation of distribution algorithm with rank-one modification and population reduction[J]. BioSystems, 2019, 181: 58-70.

[8] Zheng J, Gao L*, Wang H, Wang L* (共同通信作者), Xu PF, Li XY, Jiang B, Yang XD. Joint downlink and uplink edge computing offloading in ultra-dense HetNets[J]. Mobile Networks & Applications, 2019, 24(5): 1452–1460.

[9] Fan XL, Wang L* (通信作者). Image defogging approach based on incident light frequency[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019, 78(13): 17653-17672.

[10] Zhou Y, Wang L, Li YY, Wen C, Jiang B. A fast iterative three-dimensional joint domain localized method in airborne MIMO radar[J]. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2019, 38(7): 3370-3383.

[11] Ren ZG, Liang YS, Zhang AM, Yang Y, Feng ZR, Wang L. Boosting cooperative coevolution for large scale optimization with a fine-grained computation resource allocation strategy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019, 49(12): 4180-4193.

[12] Zhou Y, Wang L, Chen XX, Wen C, Jiang B, Fang DY. An improving EFA for clutter suppression by using the persymmetric covariance matrix estimation[J]. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2018, 37(9): 4136–4149.

[13] Ren ZG, Liang YS, Wang L, Zhang AM, Pang B, Li BY. Anisotropic adaptive variance scaling for Gaussian estimation of distribution algorithm[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, 146: 142-151.

[14] Fan XL, Jia HL, Wang L* (通信作者), Xu PF. Energy balance based uneven cluster routing protocol using ant colony taboo for wireless sensor networks[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2017, 97(1): 1305-1321.

[15] Zhu JH, Zhu L, Jiang ZT, Bai XX, Li ZY, Wang L. Local to global registration of multi-view range scans using spanning tree[J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2017, 58: 477-488.

[16] Wen Y, Li Y, Zhang XH, Shi WZ, Wang L, Chen JW. A weighted full-reference image quality assessment based on visual saliency[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2017, 43: 119-126.

[17] 汪霖,曹建福,韩崇昭.基于空间球的三维激光扫描仪标定算法[J].西安交通大学学报,2013,47(4):79-85.

[18] 汪霖,曹建福,韩崇昭.基于超二次曲面模型的3维目标定位算法[J].机器人,2013,35(4):439-448.

[19] 曹建福,汪霖.模块化工业机器人嵌入式控制系统的研究[J].控制工程,2013,20(2):289- 294.

[20] Wang L, Cao JF, Han CZ. Multidimensional particle swarm optimization-based unsupervised planar segmentation algorithm of unorganized point clouds[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2012, 45(11): 4034-404.

[21] Wang L, Cao JF. A look-ahead and adaptive speed control algorithm for high-speed CNC equipment[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 63(5-8): 705-717.

[22] Wang L, Cao JF, Li YQ. Speed optimization control method of smooth motion for high-speed CNC machine tools[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010, 49(1-4): 313-325.

[23] 汪霖,曹建福.高速装备前瞻自适应速度优化算法[J].计算机集成制造系统,2010,16(5):998-1005.

[24] 汪霖,曹建福,韩崇昭.基于粒子群优化的机器人多传感器自标定方法[J].机器人,2009,31(5):391-396.

[25] 史博,汪霖,曹建福.立体零件加工质量的在线图像检测方法[J].仪器仪表学报,2009,30(10):2039-2044.


[1] Wen C, Wang L, Huang Y. Slow-time FDA-MIMO radar space-time adaptive processing[C]. IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2020 Fall), 2020, Victoria, Canada, Nov. 18-Dec. 16, 2020.

[2] Zhou Y, Li YY, Wang L, Wen C, Nie WK. The compressed nested array for underdetermined DOA estimation by fourth-order difference coarry[C]. 45th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2020, Barcelona, Spain, May 4-8, 2020.

[3] Zhang JL, Cao JF, Wu J, Wang L. Fault diagnosis for transmission system of large equipment using nonlinear output frequency response function [C]. 10th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2018), 2018, Guiyang, China, July 2-4, 2018.

[4] Wang XS, Pang SM, Zhu JH, Wang JX, Wang L. An efficient aggregation method of convolutional features for image retrieval [C]. The 3rd International Symposium on Artificail Intelligence and Robotics (ISAIR2018), 2018, Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2018 (Best Paper Award).

[5] Zhang JL, Cao JF, Wang L* (通信作者). Nonlinear spectrum estimation for closed-loop system[C]. 37th Chinese control conference (CCC2018), 2018, Wuhan, China, July 25-27, 2018: 5924-5928.

[6] Zhou Y, Wen C, Wang L, Li YY. The space-time adaptive processing method with generalized sidelobe canceler structure by using the Lp-norm regularization[C]. 14th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2018), 2018: 889-892.

[7] Zhou J, Zhou Y, Wang L, Jiang B, Wen C. The ground clutter canceller based on the clutter recovery in airborne MIMO radar[C]. International Conference on Electronic Industry and Automation (EIA 2017), 2017, Xiamen, China, July 14-16, 2017: 186-190.

[8] Li YY, Zhang WX, Cao JF, Peng JL, Jiang B, Wang L* (通信作者). 3D laser scanner calibration method based on invasive weed optimization and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm[C]. 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2017), 2017, Xi’an, China, August 20-23, 2017: 1280-1285.

[9] Ren ZG, Chen A, Wang L* (通信作者), Liang YS, Pang B. An efficient vector-growth decomposition algorithm for cooperative coevolution in solving large scale problems[C]. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) Companion, 2017, Berlin, Germany, July 15-19, 2017: 41-42.

[10] Liang YS, Ren ZG, Wang L, Pang B, Hossain MM. Inferior solutions in Gaussian EDA: useless or useful?[C]. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2017), 2017, Donostia, San Sebastián, Spain, Jun. 5-8, 2017: 301-307.

[11] Wang L, Guo YR, Cao XH, Wu GR, Shen DG. Consistent multi-atlas hippocampus segmentation for longitudinal MR brain images with temporal sparse representation[C]. International Workshop on Patch-based Techniques in Medical Imaging (Patch-MI 2016), Athens, Greece, Oct. 17, 2016: 34-42.

[12] Zhang WX, Yan Y, Jiang B, Wang L, Liu C. Genetic algorithm applying to calculate the Great Wall soil water electrical conductivity[C]. 2016 International Conference on Measurement Instrumentation and Electronics (ICMIE 2016), Munich, Germany, Jun. 6-8, 2016.

[13] Wang L, Zhang WX, Wang D, Jiang B. Unsupervised image segmentation based on multidimensional particle swarm optimization[C]. 6th International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks, Beijing, China, Nov. 20-23, 2015: 191-194.

[14] Zhang WX, Li XN, Wang L. Pressure measurement of the flexible pipe algorithm in aerial refueling based on SVR with parameter optimization[C]. International Industrial Informatics and Computer Engineering Conference, Xi’an, China, Jan. 10-11, 2015: 2109-2112.

[15] Cao JF, Wang L, Zhang JL. Multi-axis motion control method of complex trajectory for high-speed machining[C]. 33rd Chinese Control Conference, Nanjiang, China, 2014: 8021-8026.

[16] Wang L, Cao JF, Han CZ. Self-calibration of heterogeneous sensors based on particle swarm optimization[C]. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Xi’an, China, 2009: 321-325.


[1] 陈晓璇,姜博,梁健,胡威,汪霖,周延,李艳艳,柴寅凯.带干扰抑制的汉字图像超分辨率重建方法[P].2021.06.22,中国,ZL201711161572.8.

[2] 汪霖,丁则玮,张万绪,赵伟明,李园园,沈应喆,姜博,周延,张欣媛.一种三维点云采集系统的标定方法[P]2020.06.09,中国,ZL201910345608.0.

[3] 姜博,汪霖,何金红,刘成,周延,陈晓璇.一种全天时雾霾图像清晰化恢复方法[P]2019.11.8,中国,ZL201611240103.0

[4] 周延,聂卫科,张万绪,冯大政,姜博,汪霖,陈晓璇,刘成,孟娜.基于空域多级分解的机载MIMO雷达后多普勒自适应处理方法[P]2019.10.1,中国,ZL201611208583.2

[5] 曹建福,汪霖张继旸一种面向微小线段高效加工的速度前瞻预处理方法[P].2017.1.25,中国,ZL201410605191.4

[6] 张万绪,张志勇,刘成,赵武,汪霖李祥楠,廖富友,袁永德,时鹏胜.一种用于土遗址保护的微损夯土盐分测量前端结构[P].2016.9.21,中国,ZL201410104200.1.

[7] 曹建福,史博,汪霖,张家良.具有景深零件加工质量的亚像素级图像检测方法[P].2011.6.1,中国,ZL200910020903.5.

[8] 曹建福,周明,汪霖,王浩.高速加工中心速度优化与平滑运动控制方法[P].2011.6.1,中国,ZL200910023391.8.




[1] 复杂环境下面向激光扫描点云的三维目标定位方法研究.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(61503300),2016/01-2018/12,22万元,已结题

[2] 基于2D图像和3D点云融合的智能机器人环境感知关键技术研究.陕西省重点研发计划项目(国际科技合作计划项目-一般项目)(2020KW-010),2020/01-2021/12,8万元,在研.

[3] 基于全局优化的复杂场景下三维目标定位方法研究.中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(一等)(2014M560801),2014/07-2016/06,8万元,已结题

[4] 基于点云数据的特征提取和目标定位方法研究.陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2014JQ8327),2014/05-2016/04,3万元,已结题.

[5] 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(14JK1750),2014/07-2015/12,2万元,已结题.

[6] hg8868皇冠官方科学研究基金(13NW40),2014/01-2015/12,2.5万元,已结题.

[7] 航天工业总公司陕西电学无线电计量站.无线通信设备探测仪系统,2018/10-2019/01,9.5万元,已结题.


[1] 基于多尺度框架和注意力机制的大倍数图像超分辨率重建算法研究.陕西省重点研发计划项目(国际科技合作计划项目-一般项目)(项目编号:2021KW-05),2021/01-2022/12,5万元,在研,排名4/8.

[2] 基于多尺度生成对抗网络的大倍数图像超分辨率重建算法研究国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(61801384),2019/01-2021/12,26万元,在研,排名3/7

[3] 基于视角不变全局特征表达的人体行为检测与识别算法研究国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(61702415),2018/01-2020/12,22万元已结题,排名4/10

[4] 基于深度学习的金丝猴面部特性的检测与识别算法研究国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(61502387),2016/01-2018/12,19万元,已结题,排名2/10

[5] 基于人类认知机理的多源信息融合理论研究.国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2006AA01Z126),2006/12-2008/12,93万,已结题,排名9/11

[6] 面向复杂背景的空间目标识别方法研究.陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(科技创新创业“双导师制”)(2018JM6122),2018/01-2019/12,5万,在研,排名4/8.

[7] 夜晚低照度条件下航拍探测清晰化方法研究.瞬态光学与光子技术国家重点实验室开放基金(SKLST201614),2016/12-2018/115万,已结题,排名2/8




               [1] 机器人专业理论及高端应用师资培训.教育部产学合作协同育人项目(项目编号:201802195032),已结题,主持.

         [2] 《智能机器人基础》专业课程建设.教育部产学合作协同育人项目(项目编号:201801101005),在研,主持.


         [1] 《自动控制原理》教学内容的实践化建设.教育部产学合作协同育人项目(项目编号:201801193080),在研,排名第2. 

              [2] 机器人工程创新创业实验室建设.教育部产学合作协同育人项目(项目编号:201801101014),在研,排名第2.

         [3] 机器人运动控制师资培训.教育部产学合作协同育人项目(项目编号:201901280009),在研,排名第2. 

             [4] 机器人工程创新创业实践基地建设.教育部产学合作协同育人项目(项目编号:201802195079),在研,排名第3.





中国自动化学会高级会员、建筑机器人专业委员会委员、混合智能专业委员会委员,陕西省自动化学会智能机器人专业委员会委员,IEEE会员;《IEEE Signal Processing Letters》、《IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters》、《Computers and Electrical Engineering》、《Neural Computing and Applications》、《Cognitive Robotics》、《西安交通大学学报》、《浙江大学学报工学版)》、《控制与决策》、《计算机集成制造系统》、《机器人》和《计算机工程与应用》等期刊审稿人。

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